Work With Us
Contracting Opportunities
The University has a wide array of purchasing needs. To increase transparency and source new potential vendors, the University is committed to posting potential contracting opportunities online. The opportunities include a brief project description, anticipated award timeframe, and information for the appropriate University procurement contact. Vendors with the requisite experience and ability to provide the required good/service, should email the listed procurement contact for additional information.
Employment Opportunities
Local, union cardholders who are seeking employment can register for the University‘s Candidate Referral List. This list is sent weekly to all University general contractors and construction managers.
A qualified person who registers is not guaranteed employment, but this referral list provides a consistent way for job seekers to be considered for construction jobs on campus. Once individuals are registered, they stay active on the list and are not required to resubmit their names for future construction projects.
Eligible job seekers can submit the Construction Employment Referral Form via or by scanning the QR code below. As a reminder, the University does not allow hiring at the construction gate.
Questions? Contact:
Karen Howell
Construction Diversity and Community Engagement
Facilities Services
The University of Chicago
Harper Court
5235 S. Harper Ct., Suite 1000
Chicago, IL 60615
United States of America
T 773.834.3733